Today was the first Sunday of Advent, and the first day of the 24 Days of Advent in the month of December leading up to Christmas. "Advent" means "coming." In the days before Christ came to earth, the Jewish people waited for a Messiah to come, a Savior. Now, we still celebrate Advent because we await the Second Coming of Christ.
Isaiah the Prophet penned the words in which the Israelite people placed their hope more than 700 years before Christ was born:
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
(Isaiah 9:6 NIV)
For many people, the days leading up to Christmas are full of joy, music, and Christmas lights. It is the time of year we forget about our troubles and spend time making memories with friends and family. For others, however, it is difficult to forget the troubles. Every Christmas card from a friend, every decoration, every well-wisher is a reminder that things seem to be going great for other people, but I cannot find my Joy. Some people just want the season to hurry up and get over with.
Here's the thing. If you are one of those people, one who is stuck in a dark place and is having a hard time enjoying the parties and the festivities, Isaiah was in your boat, too. He didn't live in happy times. He didn't bake cookies and string Christmas lights and hand goodies out to the people while he prophesied. He was prophesying in dark days. Israel had turned away from God. The Northern Kingdom, Israel, fell to Assyria in 722-721 BC. Things were bleak in the Southern Kingdom, Judah. Isaiah pleaded with the people to turn back to God, lest they be sent into Exile as well. In the midst of the darkness, however, of the immorality, the famine, the despair, Isaiah gives Hope. It won't come right away. It will be a little while. But Hope is there. A Savior will come from God. He will deliver the people. The darkness and despair will end. God himself will be with the people.
The people walking in darknessIsaiah wasn't throwing a party for people who were already happy and were having a great time. He was offering Hope to people who were walking in darkness.
have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
a light has dawned.
You have enlarged the nation
and increased their joy;
they rejoice before you
as people rejoice at the harvest,
as warriors rejoice
when dividing the plunder.
For as in the day of Midian’s defeat,
you have shattered
the yoke that burdens them,
the bar across their shoulders,
the rod of their oppressor.
Every warrior’s boot used in battle
and every garment rolled in blood
will be destined for burning,
will be fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
will accomplish this.
(Isaiah 9:2-7 NIV)
If you are walking in darkness this Christmas season, reach out for the Hope that God is offering now. Christ has come. The prophecies were fulfilled. He is coming back. He wants to take us to heaven with Him to have eternal life. "Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end." You don't have to dress like an elf and put on a fake smile and sing at the top of your lungs. Just open yourself up to Christ this season. Dare to Hope.
Come, O Come, Emmanuel, God With Us!
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Our Advent Wreath and our 24-Day Advent Calendar, featuring a Bethlehem scene by Fontanini. |
Merry Christmas!
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