Thursday, January 31, 2019

Concert Choir Memories

Just a little TBT entertainment for the blog today.

From 1991-1994 I sang with the Milligan College Concert Choir.  Now, as my son prepares for his first tour with the same choir, I am enjoying looking back at these videos from 27 years ago!  I wish I'd had high quality digital video recording back then!  I sang second soprano, and in the second song, I was playing the bells.

Let There Be Praise
by Dick Tunney & Melodie Tunney


Battle Hymn of the Republic 
Words by Julia Ward Howe
Music by William Steffe
Arranged by John Rutter

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What is the Relationship between Christianity and Science? From Dr. Jay Wile.

Nobel laureate Dr. Arthur Leonard Schawlow (left) and likely future Nobel laureate Dr. Henry F. Schaefer, III (right).

Today I would like to use my blog to direct you to someone else's blogpost.  In homeschooling my children, I have taught them what people believe about evolution, creationism, and the theory of intelligent design.  We have talked about what a worldview is, and how every person looks at the available evidence through the lens of his or her worldview.  My children know that I believe in creationism and that we study science so that we can learn more about God and his creation.

When my oldest two began secular college classes, however, they encountered the view that religion has no place in the scientific world, and even that those who believe in God must somehow be uneducated, because anyone who is educated enough will realize that God is not real and certainly is not a part of science.  The theory of evolution is no longer treated like a theory but is called "fact" in these classes.

Does religion, or faith, have a place in science?  Can a highly educated person believe in God?

Please take a few minutes to read Dr. Jay Wile's enlightening post on the subject here:

Dr. Jay Wile writes excellent science curriculum that is used widely by homeschoolers and private schools.  He has written for Apologia and currently writes for Berean Builders.

I was blessed to be able to write a Study Guide/Lapbook for Dr. Wile's Science in the Beginning.  Watch for the Study Guide/Lapbook for Science in the Ancient World, available soon!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Share the Memories FREEBIES!

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February 3


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Happy Scrapping!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Knowledge@Kindle - Challenger 33 Years

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Knowledge@Kindle - Winter is Upon Us (FREEBIE)

New Share the Memories FREEBIES!

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Available FREE until: 
January 27


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Happy Scrapping!

Fight for Life

Some years ago, I was in a fight for my life.  There were people who wanted to kill me.  Not because I had done them any wrong.  Not even because of my race, color, gender, or religion.  But they wanted to kill me just the same.

At the time, I was completely defenseless.  I had no voice.  I was unable to fight to defend myself or even to cry for help or plead my innocence.  I was completely at the mercy of others.

There was an army of people who fought for me.  There were the preacher and his wife who pleaded for my life and found a home for me.  There was a couple, several states away, who prepared to take me in.  There was my birth mother, who chose to suffer the inconvenience, pain, and humiliation of a full-term pregnancy and child-birth rather than to give in to the doctors and those in her circle who encouraged her to get rid of me.

Unbeknownst to me at that tender age, there were prayer warriors and lawyers working around the country to protect children like me.

My life was saved.  I was born on January 3, 1973, in a state where abortion was legal.  Less than 3 weeks later, on January 22, 1973, abortion was made legal across the country.

Others have not been so fortunate.  The lives of hundreds of living, breathing babies are taken every day.

And so, 46 years later, we continue to pray, and to march, and to fight.  There is a war going on, and the victims are defenseless.

Be a voice for a child like me.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Share the Memories FREEBIES!

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Happy Scrapping!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Knowledge@Kindle - Happy Birthday, Dr. King (FREEBIE)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New Share the Memories FREEBIES!

Share the Memories

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Available FREE until: 
January 13


to get $10 off My Memories Suite Software! (in the US and Canada)

Happy Scrapping!